From the Farm

Day 1 and Day 2 – To be continued

By Teddy Palmer (Founder of Halfway Home Greyhound Adoption)

Two years after I adopted my first greyhound I started Halfway Home. My Dad taught me if you are going to a job and do it well. Learn first hand how it is done before you ever begin . Vist folks who do the job,ask questions, walk in their shoes for awhile.

One of the OK farms when I went to pick up pets mentioned that her husband was going out of town to visit his Mother. So I offered to come and help but, I wanted to be treated like a new hire. My Mistake…. It was July and I took my 12 year old son. We were to be there at 5:AM . I was very impressed with my self as I had grown up on a cattle ranch and worked cattle and helped my Dad train bird dogs. Our greyhound pet was gentle and easy going.

First day of work we were 30 minutes late. Good thing we not were being paid. First job was to feed the kennel and I still recall with great the “Shame” when my son piped up with “MOM they eat better than we do”. Kibble,meat,cooked celery and veggies and each bowl was placed on a scale before feeding.

Cleaning up poop did not bother us just all the dogs in the tunrout pens who were way to friendly and happy with new folks. Never wear SHORTS or Flip Flops. Then we on to cleaning out water buckets…you don’t just wash then out you scurb them out. Then refill them and hang them with clean water. Cattle never required this much work . We went back to our motel which had a 24 hour cafe ..DID we eat no we took a NAP. City folks were not made for greyhound farm life. Back for turnout , more work scoop more poop and sweep kennel floors. When the last turnout of the day was completed later that evening back to motel.

We had survived one day. Next day schooling day which brings me to Dennis’s statement”excitment and happiness knowing they are going to the schooling track” . OH My I have roped calves that were calmer than loading the dogs in the schooling trailer.
Off to the schooling track about 8 miles away. Put them in the box the lure comes around. I watch poetry in motion and foget my job to catch them when the lure stopped.

The walk back to the schooling trailer is at least a mile( LOL) more dogs to put in the 4 hole the lure comes again and again. Catch more dogs ( I can hear the farmer laughing at me)as I try to chase down a dog who has passed the stopped lure and running the open track.GUESS What the dog does not respond to my whistle or Stop. I chase he runs.I pray we have schooled them all.

(More to come….)